
9 Sustainable Practices One Can Adopt At Home

Do you know that 2010 to 2019 was the hottest decade since record keeping began 140 years ago? 2019 also being the second hottest year ever recorded and that ocean temperatures were the highest they’ve ever been?

Movements such as reducing plastic wastes and using more recyclable materials have been very encouraging, thanks to the awareness raised by various movement groups. The grim reality is that if we do not take action now, the future will look very bleak for the future generation.

Sustainable practices do not have to be over the top, in fact you can even start by practicing these small steps at home. Here are nine ways you can do your part for the environment even from home and make the world a better place to live in.

1. Use cloth and towels

Reduce usage of paper and kitchen towels. Instead, opt for reusable cloths to wipe the kitchen counter and your hands after a good wash. It helps you economically in the long run too.

2. Opt for environmentally cleaning solutions

Although using eco-versions of cleaning solutions and detergents for the household may be a tad more expensive, it does help the environment in a big way. Using sustainable detergents and washing liquids also benefits you as there are lesser harsh chemicals in them.

3. Unplug after charging

After using an electrical appliance or charging your electronic devices, remember to unplug them. Set a timer in case you forget!

4. Consider using solar power

Malaysia is almost hot all year round and perhaps it is best to use this to your advantage! Consider switching to solar power to power your home. You get to save on your monthly electrical bills too.

5. Grow some greens at home

Plants cool down the home naturally and is a sight for sore eyes too. They reduce carbon dioxide levels, cushion against outdoor noise, reduce dust and even improves your mood!

6. Recycle your waste

Do you know those milk cartons and peanut butter bottles you discard into the rubbish bin after it is finished? Those are actually recycled! Organisations like i-CYCLE Malaysia are pioneers who believe in the importance of segregation and recycling of disposables.

7. Composting

Food wastes can be used for composting which can be used to add into soils for plants to grow. Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than 30% of what we throw away, and could be composted instead.

8. Cut down on water consumption

Only run your washing machine or dishwasher when it is in full capacity rather than when it is half!

9. Grow your own greens

If you have a balcony or backyard, grow your own produce such as tomatoes, lady fingers and leafy vegetables. Not only you can save money by not having to buy them at the stall, you also know that they are not nourished by harmful pesticides.

[Image source: Photo by Eva Elijas from Pexels]

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