Best Plants For High-Rise Gardening
The growing population in today’s city faces a challenge of housing and space. The architects need to embrace vertical living to enhance the availability of living and working space in the city to help the city to reduce the impact of overpopulation.
As more and more city dwellers accept the fact and move into high-rise buildings, whereby some of the units come with a very tiny balcony, don’t let that stop you from creating your own mini Eden.
Planting in an open yet limited space like a balcony can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible. All you need to do is to understand your balcony space, sunlight direction and choose the most suitable plants to make your private sky garden dream come true.
With those things in mind, you may now research which plants are perfect for your balcony condition. If you have no clue on where to start, below are a few balcony plants that are normally “balcony” friendly.
1. Herbs

If you are not too fancy about blossoming flowers at your balcony but instead, you are more focused on practicality, herbs are brilliant plants for balconies as it usually requires only a small pot, plenty of sunlight and water to grow. Most importantly, it is edible! Some herbs that are suitable to grow in a sunny balcony are sage, rosemary, basil and chives.
2. Fruits and vegs

A practical person but do not like herbs? Grow something that could fill your tummy then, such as fruits and vegetables. In a tropical humid country like Malaysia, it is pretty easy to grow lettuce, choy sum and cherry tomatoes on your sunny balcony. If your balcony receives only limited sunlight every day, it will be the perfect place to grow your own bean sprouts.
3. Snake plant

Snake plant is one of the most tolerant plants, be it indoors and outdoors. Tall snake plant planted by your glass balcony railing could give you some privacy protection especially when your balcony is facing your neighbour’s. One of the most common snake plants you can find in Malaysia’s high-rise balcony is mother in law’s tongue.
4. Climbing plants

A rustic corner in your home shouldn’t be just a dream when you can only afford a high-rise apartment with a tidy balcony. Pick a climber or creeper plant such as Petrea volubilis, which commonly known as sandpaper vine, and give them a little support of a stick or fence by a wall of your balcony, your rustic corner dream will soon come true!
5. Colorful flower

If you cannot have a garden of colorful flowers as all you have is just a tiny balcony. Don’t be upset as there are some beautiful flowers that are suitable to be planted in a windy and sunny balcony such as rose, morning glory or petunias.
We hope you enjoyed the story and give you some ideas to start on planning your own private sky garden. Best wishes in your gardening adventures!
[Image source: Photo by anna-m. w. from Pexels]

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