Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a project development that is properly planned and designed that is compact, mixed-use, pedestrian and bicycle-friendly, and closely integrated with mass transit by connecting jobs, housing, services and amenities around public transport stations.
TOD has been successfully implemented at a city scale in cities around the world including Kuala Lumpur, Copenhagen, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Tokyo, and Singapore. Listed below are 10 values created by TOD:
- TOD creates centralised effects proven to boost a city’s competitiveness.
Studies have shown that doubling job density, for instance, increases jobs and economic productivity by 5 to 10%.
- Centralization makes cities more liveable.
This concentration creates vibrant communities with high-quality public areas and shorter commuting distance. Besides, TOD also will enhance the business activities around the transit stations.
- Connect to high-quality public transit networks.
Mass rail transit can support the large passenger flows that come with high density development, while the concentration of jobs and housing around stations can make public transport financially viable.
- Increase Real Estate value for investors.
Future investors and FDI will be attracted to the TOD that is close proximity to mass transit. Mass transit is essential to improves access to TOD neighbourhoods. For instance, the KL Sentral is a mass transit hub that attract many MNCs and expatriates.
- More job opportunities and services for residents.
MNCs would bring more business into the TOD area and provide more job opportunities to the local of all income level. And this will translate into higher income per capita of its residents.
- TOD increases higher productivity and reduces carbon footprint.
TOD makes public transport a more attractive and efficient option, while reducing dependence on private cars and promoting shorter commutes. Thus, it will reduce carbon footprint and air and noise pollutions. In European cities such as Stockholm, GHG emissions per capita has decreased by 35% due to TOD implementation.
- Better future planning for Government.
Through the early TOD initiatives by the developer, the government may now plan for future affordable housing and additional services such as schools and hospitals.
- Less exposure to the natural hazards.
When TODs are planned in the area that are less exposed to natural hazards, this will enhance resilience to disaster risks by supporting high-density housing and activities in lower risk zones.
- Reduce dependency on cars.
Peoples who are staying around TODs can make use of the cheaper transportation mode such as MRT lines, LRT line, etc to travel to work.
- Encourage community activities among residents.
TODs will encourage more community activities with creation of urban parks, F&B, entertainment and recreational spots.
For more information on the TOD projects, kindly please contact Hartamas Project Team at 03-78395555.
Contributed by: David Wu

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