10 Checklists To Tick Off When Buying A Home Security System
Home safety is a feature that one does not compromise on because keeping your family safe is of the utmost importance.
In a report published by the Overseas Security Advisory Council which is part of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security in Washington, United States it is reported that residential break-ins are common, and single-family homes are the most commonly targeted.
The report also stressed that while thieves are generally non-confrontational, and most often target properties while tenants are away, the possibility of confrontation does not deter some burglars, who will detain residents and threaten them with violence. How then, do we deter such scenarios from happening in the household?
The awareness has prompted more homeowners to invest in a good security system before things turn sour. Here are the top 10 things you should take note of before investing in a home security system.
1. Invest in a system which operates during power outages
Imagine you are away from home for a few days only to get news from your neighbours that there has been a power outage. How is your home security system powered? Is it still working even without the power? Should you go home immediately? Most alarm systems will continue to operate even when there is no power at your home because they are powered by electricity that is typically low voltage, which means it doesn’t actually take a lot of power to run the system. They also have backup batteries just in case this scenario happens. In Malaysia, you can also opt for a solar-powered security system making full use of the hot sun we have all year round. It is also a greener option, letting you save some electrical bills at the same time.
2. They are relatively affordable
Not all alarms are super expensive and you can always opt for a traditional burglar alarm system. This means that there will be sensors on your doors and windows, and alert you to any intruders. If you have a slightly higher budget, you can upgrade to a system with fire alarm or even one that gives you immediate access to emergency personnel.
3. Do we take the most advanced system?
Of course, always choose a home system which best suits your needs. Not every home will need the same kind of protection. For instance, if you do have expensive art pieces or jewellery, you will need a system with asset protection devices.
4. Asset protection devices, what is that?
These are devices that will alert you should your valuables have been tampered with. Examples would be if your art pieces have been moved or your safe has been tampered with even without physical damage.
5. Burglar alarms and home security systems are not the same thing
A burglar alarm has sensors on doors and windows will alert you or law enforcement (depending on your settings) that an intruder has entered into your home whereas a home security system can also warn you about environmental dangers, such as fire, carbon monoxide and even flooding. Speak to your service provider on what works best for your home.
6. The size of the system
There is no one size fit all system for all homes. An apartment will need a smaller alarm system compared to if you are living in a bungalow or semi-dee as a bigger home will need much more monitoring.
7. Choose a responsible service provider
You will want to choose a service provider who is responsible even after the installation process. A good way to gauge would be the amount of years they have been in the industry as it proves that their track record is well. Make sure they also use the latest and most updated equipment. Should any problems arise, make sure they give their word to solve those issues.
8. Installation process varies
If you use a traditional wired system, in most cases you will need to be installed by a professional, and often requires some drilling (and holes in your walls) to connect the sensors to the main alarm system. Wireless systems are also gaining popularity which means no drilling is required. Check with your service provider on what is needed before the installation process for you to gauge the time and cleaning effort needed after.
9. Protect your home and yourself
Security companies also offer medical emergencies should an unwanted event occur such as if you were to slip while coming out from the toilet. This will give you a peace of mind if you have elderly parents living with you or if you are staying on your own.
10. Do your research properly
With so many home security service providers out there, how do you make your choice? Take your time and discuss with your household members on what works best for you. Do not rush into making a decision out of fear!
[Image source: House photo created by jcomp]

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